Saturday, April 30, 2011


I am so proud of you! I hope you feel a great sense of accomplishment from your dedication to this challenge. You are stronger, both mentally and physically, from it.

I hope this challenge stays with you, reminding you that when you decide to dedicate yourself to something, you CAN accomplish it. May this be just one of many congratulations you earn in your life!

Thanks for sharing this experience with me. In the mean time, feel free to contact me about ideas for future challenges!
Keep On Pushin'!
Greg and Eleni

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bodyrocker Dina

Bodyrocker Dina is rockin' the Push Up Challenge and has recruited many. Her updates have kept her friends inspired. She graciously allowed me to post her video.
Keep on Pushin'...only 3 days left!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Push It!

These are our final days of the 5,000 (or 10,000) push up challenge.  I hear Brutus whispering in my ear so it is time to push him away.  Stay dedicated, and be especially creative with your push up styles this week.  Don't forget that you need to journal so you can compare this final week with your first week!

Also, I am taking ideas for a May or June Challenge.  I am thinking something along the lines of Abs.

Keep On Pushin'!

Friday, April 22, 2011

PushNation Vacation

So I was on vacation in beautiful North Carolina this week.  But that did not stop me from doing my daily push ups!  I did my push ups poolside.  Later, my friend took me on a wine tasting tour in 3 local vineyards.  We were excited when we came to 1 vineyard that offered zip lining!  I have a fear of heights (falling) but have always enjoyed the need for speed.  So, before heading to the tasting we jumped at the chance to zip line.  At the end of the fun I made the tour guys drop and do 20 with me (see VIDEO LINK.)

So, no matter where you are, especially if you are on vacation, make it a point to do your push ups, and maybe recruit some unsuspecting locals!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hit the Halfway Mark

You have done it!  You are halfway through the 5,000 push up challenge.  The hard part is done; making push ups your daily routine.  But there is a new challenge you will be faced with; wanting to skip a day here or there because you have done so well.  But that is what (Zuzana) calls "Brutus" and he is trying to slow your race by telling you you earned a break.  Shut him out immediately. 

So today celebrate your strength in staying committed and keep up the pace.  I am really excited about the video I am going to share in the next post.  It is very inspiring.  In  the mean time, here's a fun video of push up challenger Greg, who happens to be a past gymnast.  (Check out his move at the end:)

Keep on pushin'!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wall Push Ups

I love working out outside! You get the benefits of fresh air, are challenged by the terrain (but be safe!), and can feel the soft grass on your feet. My workout today was bodyweight, so I decided to incorporate some new push up styles into my workout. For the 1st time ever, I attempted wall push ups. I only got 5 in, but it peaked my interest and I'll definitely do them again. By the end of the month I hope to have worked up my strength to get out more reps as well as improve form. (This is an embarrassing video that I almost didn't post:)

What push up style is the funnest for you?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Take It Outside!

We are continuing to find creative ways to get in our daily push ups. The sun and fresh air are a refreshing welcome after this long winter. Today was 75 degrees and the dogs enjoyed their walk. But I enjoyed getting my last set in while out in the fresh air!

This week make it your goal to get in some sets outdoors.

Even though we live in the middle of the city with all the downtown hustle and bustle, we're fortunate to be tucked back in a little area with a river. It's our own little oasis. A great place for rockin' out push ups!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Diamond & Reptile

Keeping it creative, here is a video of a few more styles to mix it up. Below is a 2nd video that shows another style of Reptile Push Ups.
Share what your creative push ups are and how you fit your daily count in!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Push Up Challenger (and Bodyrocker!) Marie Kicks It Up A Notch

Thanks to our fellow Challenger, Marie, who is forcing us all to step it up a notch.  Here she is rockin' out  1-arm push ups.                                             Keep on pushin'!
Also, just checking in to see that you are keeping log of your push ups.  This is not so much to keep track of your count, but to see your progress as the month goes on.  I have to admit, I have been slacking in following through with my journal.  Now that it is out there, I guess I have to kick it up a notch!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When Do You Squeeze Them In?

Just curious about how you have found creative ways to get your pushups in each day?  I drop and do 20 right out of bed & 40 before bed.  Greg found he gets his in during commercials.

Let us know your ideas!
Keep On Pushin'.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Let's Get Creative! Push Up Styles by Challengers

I hope your Push Up Challenge week is going off without a hitch.  If you find your numbers lacking one day, don't let "Brutus" talk you out of making them up.  These push ups are going to be a daily routine that our mind and body need.  So make them up throughout the week by adding 20 more each day until you have knocked them out.

Here is a fun video of my husband & a friend who we recruited into the challenge.  They found a creative way to get their sets in!

Keep us posted on how your struggles and accomplishments are coming along throughout your challenge!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stability Ball Push Up Styles

I made a video of different styles of Push Ups using a stability ball.  The ball is a great component that will work your core even more!  My apologies for the hair styles, but I had just finished my Bodyrock workout for the day!

Also, leave a comment on how your progress is coming.  I know it is only Day 2, but I already can bust out 5 more in a set!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beginner Modifications

Hey all!  Today I write you with both excitement and a heavy heart.  Greg and I are excited to start the Push Up Challenge in April.  On the other hand, we lost a very dear member of our family last night, and the wake is the 1st day of our challenge.  But we plan to go forth with the challenge, knowing it will help strengthen us physically and mentally.  Some of you have started the challenge and I love reading your countdowns!

In response to a few questions I have received, I made a video of some modification options for beginners.  Note that I say "sets" when I referred to reps. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Prepare Yourself

I'm (almost) willing to bet the majority of you are doing this challenge to better yourself.  It's going to be just as much of a mental challenge as a physical challenge.  The important thing is to not be hard on yourself.  Don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the great things you are doing.  Even doing 5 pushups a  day is call for celebration, it's 5 more than you did a few minutes before!

Prepare yourself, break up the pushups throughout the day.  Think of them in small sets rather than 1 big #.  At the end of the day congratulate yourself for everything you did to get closer to your goal.

I have weak wrists, so I struggle with form.  1 goal throughout this challenge is to improve my form as I become stronger.  I highly encourage you to keep a diary of your progress.  You know that handy dandy notebook Zuzana has us keep?  Well put it to more good use!  Start today by recording the # pushups you can do with proper form.  As the challenge continues you will see that # increase.  Don't forget to do quick-writes about your mental challenges and achievements throughout the entire month. 

It is going to be quite a celebration  to compare the notes at the end of the month to the first few days of the challenge.

Eleni and Greg

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to the April Challenge!  My husband will be doing 10,000 and I will be doing 5,000 pushups.  No, this is not an April Fool's Joke:) 

Pushups are a great overall body workout.  Stability forces you to use your abs, and always flex those abs to protect your back!  Pushups also enhance your chest, arms, and back muscles.

I have decided to break my reps (about 160/day) into sets of 20 throughout the day, starting as soon as I get out of bed.  My hope is to crank out a lot more in each set toward the end of the month.  Think about doing sets as a warmup to Bodyrock's workout, during tv commercials, after using the bathroom, while walking the dog, etc. 

Finally, throughout the month I'll be posting videos and pics and encourage you to do the same.  We need to share great ideas for keeping each set fun! 

Thanks for joining us in this challenge,
Greg and Eleni

Disclaimer:  We do not claim to be certified trainers and are not responsible for injuries.  Consult a physician prior to starting any new workout routine.