Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hit the Halfway Mark

You have done it!  You are halfway through the 5,000 push up challenge.  The hard part is done; making push ups your daily routine.  But there is a new challenge you will be faced with; wanting to skip a day here or there because you have done so well.  But that is what (Zuzana) calls "Brutus" and he is trying to slow your race by telling you you earned a break.  Shut him out immediately. 

So today celebrate your strength in staying committed and keep up the pace.  I am really excited about the video I am going to share in the next post.  It is very inspiring.  In  the mean time, here's a fun video of push up challenger Greg, who happens to be a past gymnast.  (Check out his move at the end:)

Keep on pushin'!

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