Friday, March 25, 2011

Prepare Yourself

I'm (almost) willing to bet the majority of you are doing this challenge to better yourself.  It's going to be just as much of a mental challenge as a physical challenge.  The important thing is to not be hard on yourself.  Don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the great things you are doing.  Even doing 5 pushups a  day is call for celebration, it's 5 more than you did a few minutes before!

Prepare yourself, break up the pushups throughout the day.  Think of them in small sets rather than 1 big #.  At the end of the day congratulate yourself for everything you did to get closer to your goal.

I have weak wrists, so I struggle with form.  1 goal throughout this challenge is to improve my form as I become stronger.  I highly encourage you to keep a diary of your progress.  You know that handy dandy notebook Zuzana has us keep?  Well put it to more good use!  Start today by recording the # pushups you can do with proper form.  As the challenge continues you will see that # increase.  Don't forget to do quick-writes about your mental challenges and achievements throughout the entire month. 

It is going to be quite a celebration  to compare the notes at the end of the month to the first few days of the challenge.

Eleni and Greg

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