Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beginner Modifications

Hey all!  Today I write you with both excitement and a heavy heart.  Greg and I are excited to start the Push Up Challenge in April.  On the other hand, we lost a very dear member of our family last night, and the wake is the 1st day of our challenge.  But we plan to go forth with the challenge, knowing it will help strengthen us physically and mentally.  Some of you have started the challenge and I love reading your countdowns!

In response to a few questions I have received, I made a video of some modification options for beginners.  Note that I say "sets" when I referred to reps. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Prepare Yourself

I'm (almost) willing to bet the majority of you are doing this challenge to better yourself.  It's going to be just as much of a mental challenge as a physical challenge.  The important thing is to not be hard on yourself.  Don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the great things you are doing.  Even doing 5 pushups a  day is call for celebration, it's 5 more than you did a few minutes before!

Prepare yourself, break up the pushups throughout the day.  Think of them in small sets rather than 1 big #.  At the end of the day congratulate yourself for everything you did to get closer to your goal.

I have weak wrists, so I struggle with form.  1 goal throughout this challenge is to improve my form as I become stronger.  I highly encourage you to keep a diary of your progress.  You know that handy dandy notebook Zuzana has us keep?  Well put it to more good use!  Start today by recording the # pushups you can do with proper form.  As the challenge continues you will see that # increase.  Don't forget to do quick-writes about your mental challenges and achievements throughout the entire month. 

It is going to be quite a celebration  to compare the notes at the end of the month to the first few days of the challenge.

Eleni and Greg

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to the April Challenge!  My husband will be doing 10,000 and I will be doing 5,000 pushups.  No, this is not an April Fool's Joke:) 

Pushups are a great overall body workout.  Stability forces you to use your abs, and always flex those abs to protect your back!  Pushups also enhance your chest, arms, and back muscles.

I have decided to break my reps (about 160/day) into sets of 20 throughout the day, starting as soon as I get out of bed.  My hope is to crank out a lot more in each set toward the end of the month.  Think about doing sets as a warmup to Bodyrock's workout, during tv commercials, after using the bathroom, while walking the dog, etc. 

Finally, throughout the month I'll be posting videos and pics and encourage you to do the same.  We need to share great ideas for keeping each set fun! 

Thanks for joining us in this challenge,
Greg and Eleni

Disclaimer:  We do not claim to be certified trainers and are not responsible for injuries.  Consult a physician prior to starting any new workout routine.